I was working in Spine yesterday perfectly fine. I've used the software for years and never had this issue.
I'm on a Macbook pro 2021 with a silicon chip.
This morning when I opened Spine it showed a random grey page of sparse gibberish instead of the software. I think it's TRYING to run as when I clicked where the "new project" button usually is (which appeared to be an odd small ascii man) it opened to a sparce, gibberish ui , with the ability to zoom in/zoom out of what i'd assume is the normal canvas, and has drop down (incomprehensible) menus in the top left. I think the software is there but just not graphically correct to the point of being unusable.
I've removed and reinstalled the software and restarted my Mac, it allowed me to input my license code into the new install without a problem, but then continued to show the same issue.
Other animation/design softwares have been opening smoothly, but it's still possible that this may be my end.