Pharan ... e/overview I remember Shiu made references to Softimage several times before. What does this mean? Maya and 3DSMax actually do all the stuff that Softimage does just fine or better? Was it specialized in any way?
Nate SoftImage does a TON of stuff, as do Maya and 3DSmax. I'm sure there is lots of overlap with other products, but they all do so much and often in slightly different ways. Shiu loves SI, so I imagine he's a sad puppy.
Søren I'm a very sad puppy. Softimage was a far better product in many areas, but Autodesk bought it from Avid because it was a competitor, it's been the plan from the start for them to not really do much with it. It was actually pretty hard to find on their site.
Pharan Ah. So it's one of those deals. Autodesk pretty much bought all the major competing 3D modeling programs to gain a virtual monopoly. Boo, Autodesk. Yay, Blender! (but boo, Blender's horrendous UI.)