• 2d animator for hire

Hi Planzzz,

My name is Cody and I am trying to find work as a Spine animator as well. I am newer to the spine world so may I ask to know what your usually price quote or your pay rate is? The hardest part for me in freelancing is valuing how much my work is worth and how much is ok to find work. So any help in that front would be great!

Your animations are great! I like that first crazy bug alien.

Best Regards,

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Hi Cody! I'm Peter.
Your price depends on your skill in first.
About my situation. I am from Russia and I worked with russian clients long time. We have low prices comparing to other world. My price for russian clients is $12-13/h.
Now I try to enter to the world freelance and I have same questions with prices 🙂 I think you can try to set $15/h if you are beginer and improve it with your skill level.
But maybe you need to speak with other freelancers. Good luck with your work and let me know if you'll get some useful information 🙂