• Trying integration of Spine + Sprite Lamp

Hey Gallo, great work on getting Sprite Lamp to play nice with Spine and Unity. I was wondering if you were willing to share or sell your cel-shaded implementation seen here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53Ke_vAgV80&spfreload=10
) we're willing to pay for it if that's an option.

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Hi FinalBossLeo, the technique and the shader is explained in this thread: Unity-Sprite-Lamp-BumpMapped-Spine-texture-regions-2138?p=17252

As far as I know my implementation is outdated, I'm actually deeply immersed in other projects that do not use Spine, so I can't dedicate time to that project again. But you are not the only one asking me about it, maybe I can dedicate some time in the future to update the implementation for the last Spine Runtime and Unity 5

That'd be fantastic! We're really interested in your cel-shaded implementation. We're animators by trade that are just trying to figure out how to apply our skills to games and shaders are a little over our head at the moment. If it's even an option, we don't mind compensating you or buying the final implementation. It would only be fair to you and would be amazing for our education. If not, then maybe you can point us in the right direction. Thank you so much. 🙂