I tried to set UpdateWhenVisible in SkeletonGraphic to Nothing but I still get spine timeline event call backs. It seems like the off screen skeleton is still running everything. Although I can't see the visual due to scrollview clipping, I have Debug.Log on the spine event call back function so I can tell the timeline is still running.
The SkeletonGraphics are inside a ScrollView and the supposed invisible objects are dragged way off the clipping area, even outside the screen area. UpdateWhenVisible should trigger and turn off spine processing but its like the setting has no effect at all. Thus I want to know if there is anything I need to be careful when using UpdateWhenVisible? And is there any where I can look into to track whats causing the problem.
I dragged the object outside the ScrollView and placed it directly under the Canvas node but the issue still exist. It should not be related to ScrollView.