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  • File association with .spine and spine...


Is it possible to add a file association so that double clicking spine files will open the file in spine... Currently using the MacOSX version and does not seem to have that feature. Im unsure also if spine can be used to load spine files from command line e.g. spine my project.spine


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  • تم التحرير

I haven't been able to figure it out for OSX. 🙁 OSX uses some strange mechanism to pass files to open, it isn't as simple as accepting a command line parameter.

OSX uses a plist file with app to associate it with opening, ill see if i can knock something up for you to help.

I've created some launcher app for extending document association features.

maybe it can be an alternative solution for this issues too.


  • Mac OS X 10.7 or higher.

extract "Spine Launcher.zip" file and place "Spine Launcher.app" to "/Applications" path.

right click on /Applications/Spine Launcher.app and click "open" on popup menu.
(it needs because of some security issues on OS X. I didn't code signing for this app.)

now you can associate .spine file with this Spine Launcher.app.


  • drag & drop .spine file on Spine Launcher Dock Icon.
  • double click .spine file.
  • launch multiple Spine.app instances.

this app simply execute /Applications/Spine/Spine.app by using NSTask class.

I saw Spine.app just call some shell command to execute java.
maybe Spine Launcher's implementation can be added Spine.app itself easily.
so I attach source code too.

I hope this can be helpful.

Thanks kzerse! Spine.app launches Java which actually runs Spine, so it is hard to implement application:openFile:. You're right that Spine.app could use NSTask to launch Java instead, so we can handle opening files. The only thing is that it should use a relative path to find Spine.app or Java. I'll try to make this change soon. Thanks again! 🙂

my pleasure! 🙂

Great work kzerse, you've done exactly on the lines i was thinking 🙂

9 أيام لاحقا

Thanks for that Kzerse, any way to point which spine instance (Java, X11) should be opened? I prefer more the Java one but your Launcher seems to prefer the X11.

I'm on Mavericks

2 أشهر لاحقا

His code launches "/Applications/Spine/Spine.app", so you'll need to put the app you want to start there. You can rename the original app and replace it with the system Java app.

Just to clear this up, Spine on OS X properly opens .spine files on double click since 1.8.00. 🙂