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  • [Feature Request] Show only S/R/T/C/... keys in dopesheet

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Pleaaaaaase hear this one out, I think you'll like the idea :p
It would be very handy, I think for everyone.

Here's the problem:
I have multiple different keyframes at one frame (for example 3 bones, each has Scale, Translate and Color keyframe at frame 5)...
Now, if I want to move only Color keyframes, I need to select one by one, under each bone.

If there was only Color keyframes, I could drag the white key on the top. But not if I have there Scale/Tranclate/other type of keyframes, which I don't want to move.
And in 99% cases, I've got multiple different keyframes at one frame.

What would solve this:
A hotkey for showing only one type of keyframes.
(and a interface buttons would be great too - to toggle)

A hotkey to:

  • reveal only Translation keyframes for selected item
  • reveal only Scale keyframes for selected item
  • reveal only Rotation keyframes for selected item
  • reveal only Color keyframes for selected item
  • reveal only Event keyframes for selected item
  • reveal all keyframes for selected item

If no bone (item in dopesheet) is selected,
(A) and dopesheet is NOT locked, it would reveal all the keyframes of the Skeleton,
(B) and dopesheet IS locked, it would reveal all the keyframes under items locked in the dopesheet.

So if no item is selected:

  • reveal only Translation keyframes for all items of the skeleton / locked items in dopesheet
  • reveal only Scale keyframes for all items of the skeleton / locked items in dopesheet
  • reveal only Rotation keyframes for all items of the skeleton / locked items in dopesheet
  • reveal only Color keyframes for all items of the skeleton / locked items in dopesheet
  • reveal only Event keyframes for all items of the skeleton / locked items in dopesheet
  • reveal all keyframes for all items of the skeleton / locked items in dopesheet

So hotkeys would be great.
But what if you would like to see two types of keyframes in the dopesheet?
For example Scale and Translate...

This is where the UI buttons comes to the game.
On the dopesheet, a small buttons for toggling.

  • you can toggle any of those to combine which you want to see (if you want to see multiple)
  • you would be able to see directly on UI which one is turned ON or OFF (like when you see that the Auto Key is turned on).

This would make the editing much muuuuuch easier in a lot of cases.

Also, it would save space in the dopesheet (topic "Mini Dopesheet"http://esotericsoftware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1708&p=8536&hilit=dopesheet+big#p8401)
... if you are working with many items in dopesheet, sometimes you dont need to see TSR, but only Color. You wouldn't have to scroll all the time.

Smart, eh? 8) 😃 Actually, I did not invent this 😃 it works in After Effects this way. And I gotta say that it's really great, it wouldn't be possible to work in AE if there wasn't this functionality. And

What do you think? Could this feature make it to the "done" list at trello? :sun:
My simple mind thinks that it's not such a hard-core-sado-maso feature to implement. Pleaaaaaaase? (no pressure, no pressue 😃) ...

(...Pharan? 😃 )

We suggested this before. I think it's already in the trello board. (not sure though).

It's extra useful for focusing on discrete-type keys like image swaps and events since manipulating them is inherently different from SRT. But it also has sooo many other uses.

Not sure if it was this one? Shiu?
https://trello.com/c/b1THG7gf/47-disabl ... t-channels
Either way, that needs a better title and maybe description.

The white keys in the dopesheet are actually really complicated to keep in sync with the keys. 🙁 It would be nice, but not something I can whip out in a few minutes.

All right 🙂 I understand.

Anyway, if you'll get to it at some point, I would be...

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Nate wrote

Not sure if it was this one? Shiu?
https://trello.com/c/b1THG7gf/47-disabl ... t-channels
Either way, that needs a better title and maybe description.

The white keys in the dopesheet are actually really complicated to keep in sync with the keys. 🙁 It would be nice, but not something I can whip out in a few minutes.

Nope that's not the correct task. That is for muting a channel while keeping the keys intact so you can preview an animation without a specific row on the dopesheet being active.

6 أشهر لاحقا

I don't know how to vote in the Trello board, or if I can at all. But as a professional animator, I'd like to add my vote to this feature. This would be useful and used constantly while working on various occasions, especially when editing. It would a very powerful feature!

An example: when moving colour or attachment keyframes of some 10 bones, you have to drag-select each of the bones colour and attachment keyframes. Select, mouse-wheel down, select, mouse-wheel down, select, down, etc. With key filtering, this would be done with one drag-selection. Same if you want to just shift some rotation and scale keyframes, but not translation.

Another example. Editing final, pre-final animations is a drag, because of the thousands of keyframes and bucketloads of bones. Filtering would make it easier to make sense of the chaotic clutter in the dopsheet. It would be easier to hunt down the needed keyframes, and work exclusively with the ones that you are focusing on. For example, in some animations I have keyframes each 2 frames, but need to work with translation and rotation, which are only several in the whole animation. It is impossible to quickly move through the needed keyframes, check their position, because the W, S shortcuts will snap to each couple of frames.

Filtering will be added in the dopesheet for sure, we just need to finish a couple of other things first. I can say that it's something I really want myself, so you are not alone in this 🙂