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[Feature Request] Background checkbox for skeleton
Like with the attachments, it would be handy to be able to set a whole skeleton as a "background" skeleton.
If the "background" is checked, it would not export the skeleton (to JSON or the other selected format...)
- I would be able to add and use many different backgrounds images
- I'd be able to keep them within .spine file (and not delete them before the export or the JSONS after the export)
- I could set a different path to "images" folder so I would be able to keep the background images in the folders - I wouldn't have to delete all the "background" image source files from folders before I pack the textures (I use texturepacker for textures http://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker )
I think that it wouldn't take that much time to implement this one. Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show Anyway
Now as I'm working with animations, I would actually find useful to have this also for animations.
I have animations which I don't want to have in the JSON.
But I also don't want to delete them because I use them as a template / base animation from which I create new animations. And I would like to archive those within the spine file...
It could be a checkbox named "do not export" for each items in the tree.
If checked, item wouldn't be exported.
:beer: ?
Oh yeah, and last thing (hopefully?)
...locking the skeleton, so it wouldn't be selectable, would be great too :sun:
I agree. Skeleton lock and disable skeleton export would be super useful.
I also think there should be a warning when you export and don't have all the skeletons enabled for export. Just for a good measure of feedback and to avoid production mishaps (ie, passing old files to the programmer when you could've sworn you exported them recently). :p
Adam wrotea checkbox named "do not export"
Yeah, this is something I would like too. Either to simplify a complex rig, or for making more sophisticated dummy/proxy objects that you only use for building the animation.
Disabling selection for all items is here:
Promoted it from Ideas to Backlog (low priority). I hate you guys.
New task for disable export checkbox in tree properties:
https://trello.com/c/yl14kBAy/115-check ... ble-export
Yeyyyyyyyyyy :sun:
Nate wroteI hate you guys.
Thanks Nate!