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[Feature Request] Visible & Editable Motion Path
I cant believe this feature is not already requested
Visible and editable motion path, with bezier curve.
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I guess you have already been thinking about it. It's in nearly every software (Flash, After Effects, my microwave...).
It's especially great for non-player-like object.
For example a star - which doesn't have a skeleton, but just a root. Or any object like that.
There is many objects like that, especially in games (oh what a coincidence )
...and I think that in spine is currently no way to do animation in which the object is moving in a circle (or is it? Please tell if is ).
I could offset it from the root of the bone and rotate it, but that's a dirty way to do this. (and no ellipse....).
Or I can try to do a hexagon, but that's dirty and ugly
Guys, what do you think? Any chance?
Also, I guess that this path could get in the way in some cases. That could be managed by a show/hide button.
I just got to the point where it would be really helpful.
This is the problem:
With the motion path, this could be done really quicklym with 3 keyframes... And it would look nice.
very helpful stuff!
To move objects in a circle, you attach a bone to another bone, and the parent can rotate. Disable rotation inheritance where it applies. (This would benefit from Spine's eventual directional rotation support.)
An ellipse like what you have would be quite harder though. It might involve separating x and y displacements. Though I've never tried it myself. It's probably a bit harder to get right.
I'm actually not sure what the Spine runtimes would require to be able to do motion in arbitrary bezier curves. I hope it's not much.
Well yeah, I assume that this feature is not easy to implement.
Anyway, maybe one day...
...I just wanted to ask "How / where do I disable rotation inheritance" ...but I rather opened Spine as first to check it and.... lol since when there is this cool option under the bone? how could I miss it?!
Thanks much bro!
Task was created a while ago:
https://trello.com/c/qKWG31uj/111-paths ... e-movement
Ow, that video is brutal. :p Use ghosting in that situation to see the path of the star so can more easily adjust its path. You do use ghosting right? Right!
Animating along a path is actually not very hard. Implementing the UI to make editing the path easy is a bit tricky.
Since x and y can't be keyed separately, you can use two bones, one the parent of the other. On one you key movement only on X, on the other you key only movement on Y. Do this to key movement in a square, then use the graph to adjust the curve for the X and Y separately to get a circle/ellipse. Using extra bones is pretty lame though.
Oh great! I havent seen it here.
I haven't been using ghosting. I mean like ever I'm not really a big fan of it since Flash.
But I just checked it and in spine for this case it could be a bit of a help
Anyway, if these paths will ever make it to the "done list", I'll be more than happy :beer: :yes:
And that animation I was working on - I have decided to fake it - http://youtu.be/gydjq-6SwXQ
It moves just from left to right, angle of each star is a bit different and the size changes
Ha, nice way of faking it! Looks great.
I spent a loooot of effort on the stupid ghosting. Use it! :p A neat feature is the offset, which can simulate movement at runtime for a walk or jump. Eg, you can see if your feet are sliding.
Yeah, Adam. Use Ghosting! What's wrong with you?!
Also, good job. The stars look like they're circling even if they're not.
Would look great if you also animated the draw order of the stars so they go behind the head
All right all right I'll give a ghosting another shot heheheh
@Shiu Good idea!
I think it wouldn't really work for my case because the "stars" is an effect which will be used for many different characters. So it's a different skeleton which'll be called every time the dude gets a stun or something like that
I need this one too, hope this won't remain in the ideas list for too long!
You shouldn't expect this one to happen anytime soon. We have plenty of things on the plate and this one is probably low priority, sorry
i need this function too~!
I tried the above method, it works very well. But I found that there is no default sine cosine curve in the graph, which makes a perfect curve is very hard and difficult. :sweat:
Is there any more choice for the graph?
Added sin/cos to task here:
https://trello.com/c/gdZ50XLZ/41-graph- ... copy-paste
Hi everyone!
I started working on my first character animation yesterday and I was surprised not finding a way to change my transformation interpolation.
I thought first that Graph Curve Type was the tool I was looking for and realized that it's the "tension" (the speed you go from a key to another) interpolation and not the "transformation" interpolation (the way you are calculating "frames between two keys" transformation).
Am I right about this?
If I am, I have to admit that is weird for me having only linear interpolation in an animation software. Actually, I m using Bezier as Default interpolation mode and when I need it, switching to Linear for specific movement.
Before having a super visual tool in the editor, could we have the choice between Linear interpolation and a smoothed Bezier interpolation?