• Editor
  • Weights feature improvement

Would love to see two features in future updates:

  1. Add vertex right in the middle of any line, connecting other vertexes. That will boost speed of the process significantly.
  2. Copy weights from one mesh to another with help of interpolation.
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Hello Pongoeater!

Thanks for taking time to provide suggestions, as for n1, we have something that generates divisions:
Mesh attachments - Spine User Guide: Generate
It is not perfect whenever the geometry is not perfectly straight, but it could help with your use case.

As for n2, could you clarify what you mean by "with help of interpolation"?

Hey, Erika! Thanks for reply!

n1 - suggested generate feature is not the same thing, generate is good, but it affect whole mesh. It will require to delete unwanted vertices after generation

n2 - We used interpolation to transfer values of weights from one mesh to another. There is no need to have same position or amount of vertices in meshes, we can calculate everything.
Interpolation is simple - we need to take each triangle with weights values in vertices and than we can calculate weights value for each position inside this triangle, so we can use it for copying weights info. (hope it make sense for you)

I mean - we already have all values we need for transfer. You can see them in overlay mode.

N2 looks looks like an incedible feature, but I can't think of an example use for it. Looking forward to see it in Spine to try it though 8)
N1 would be surely awesome. Having more tools to precisely position and move things in the viewport would be great.
A hotkey or a tick that toggles sensitive positioning? (middle of an edge, vertical or horizontal guide starting from another vertex...)

Setting exact, identical weights on multiple meshes causes the meshes to deform identically. That sort of "welds" the meshes together in that they will appear to deform like they would if they were a single image.