Highlight the keyframe in dopesheet which are being edited / have been edited / new key was created.
For example when I select a bone,
I have Rotate tool selected
and I edit the rotation in viewport by click&dragging the mouse,
it would highlight the keyframe (it would highlight it in the moment when I start editing it and after I release the mouse button, it would stay highlighted).
If I have “Auto Key” turned on - create a new keyframe, highlight it and keep it highlighted like it would be if I just selected it in the dope sheet..
So basically,
highlight a keyframe in dopesheet every time I have edited a keyframe in the viewport or in the "Transform" panel by changing numbers.
Wether an existing keyframe was edited, or a new was created.
This is how it works in AE.
It makes the navigation much easier because I can see which keyframe/s is being edited, get back to it, see what's happening etc etc.
Here is a short video about it: