• Bugs
  • Other software has interfered with Spine's operation

Hello, I have installed the new version of Spine (4.0.46), now when I want to start Spine, I get the following message:

"Sorry, Spine is unable to start.

Other software has interfered with Spine's operation.
Please disable any antivirus or other software that manipulates Spine."

I disabled my security software (Comodo Firewall + Avast Antivir), added Spine as an exception, uninstalled Spine and reinstalled it (with security software disabled) and restart my pc - it still doesn't work!

I don't have any other software running in the background except Adobe's Creative Cloud. It is important that Spine works again as soon as possible, because I have a project in the pipeline, which I have to finish promptly (there is a deadline) and because of this thing I can't work on it now!

I therefore ask for quick help! The software worked fine before the update!


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  • تم التحرير

Sorry for the trouble Max. You may have disabled Comodo Firewall, but in fact, it is still running and doing its nasty thing. See Can't launch Spine after update. You have to actually uninstall it.

This is very annoying, but it worked!
Thanks for the quick help!

3 أشهر لاحقا

Necro'ing this 3d to report the same issue, I can't open Spine after updating to Spine 4, with Pro license.

I get the same error, and I am using Bitdefender antivirus, have no idea if that's the one conflicting.

  • Is there a way to figure out what's the conflicting app?
  • Any tip to get the program running?

Probably the best course of action is to check if you have antivirus and firewalls installed, and add Spine and its folders to the whitelist in such software.
A more in-depth explanation can be found at this page:

Spine Troubleshooting

شهر واحد لاحقا

Hey, we are a bunch of animators in a studio, who have gotten this message at the same time.
we didn't have the problem before, and we are all working from different locations, so I just want to ask if you guys have made changes that might activate that message? we are just trying to rule out everything.

it happened after closing spine, and trying to open it again.

thanks in advance

We haven't made changes in that area for quite some time. I'm guessing the changes are in your antivirus or other software. An actual virus will also trigger the message, because a virus often attaches and modifies other processes, the same as "security" software.

yeah, we figured it out. it was bitdefender changing something.

12 أيام لاحقا
steffan.weber wrote

yeah, we figured it out. it was bitdefender changing something.

steffan.weber care to share what bitdefender was doing - I'm pulling my hair out here! Same problem!

@steffan.weber yes please do let us know what you did, I also cannot open Spine. However I'm assuming this isn't Bitdefender related as when i deactive the Firewall & Virus protection Spine still wont open. I'm using the trial.

5 أيام لاحقا

I uninstalled Bitdefender just to see whether Spine would run - and it did! However, after installing Bitdefender back, Spine doesn't start... so I guess it is Bitdefender related issue. Still, I would like to know a proper solution to the problem... still eagerly waiting for it

The proper solution is to tell bitdefender not to interfere with Spine. Ideally, that means just simply following their exclusion guide: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/13427/

However, that may also not work, as Bitdefender, like pretty much all antivirus software, is essentially a root kit. Even if you tell it to ignore specific files and processes, it will still modify the way your operating system works. We report this stuff to antivirus vendors but have not received a single response ever. It#'s part of their questionable business model.

Mario wrote

The proper solution is to tell bitdefender not to interfere with Spine. Ideally, that means just simply following their exclusion guide: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/13427/

Hi Mario, I did exclude the whole Spine installation directory from Bitdefender, but that did not help either (forgot to mention it in my previous post).

Hello all,

I installed Bitdefender Total Security, and was able to get Spine to run after doing the following. I have also attached a screenshot of the exceptions list that I used in order to run Spine.

  • Went to the link Mario posted to review the steps to add an exception to Bitdefender.
  • Installed Bitdefender Total Security (the free trial).
  • Allowed it to run a scan on installation to establish a baseline.
  • Tried to open Spine to verify that it had interfered with Spine's operation; test was successful, I couldn't open Spine.
  • Updated Bitdefender.
  • Added Spine's installation folder to the exceptions list, and tried to open Spine. Still no dice.
  • Opened the exceptions list again, and then added both the installation folder AND the exe itself inside that folder (so for me, C:\Program Files\Spine\Spine.exe) and verified that it was added to all 3 categories of the exceptions list: the Antivirus, Online Threat Protection, and the Advanced Threat Defense.

After that, I rebooted and verified that Bitdefender was running, and then opened Spine! I've had no problems opening projects or Spine itself. I tested using projects from different folders, etc.

I'm using Windows 10, Spine Professional 4.0.55, and the latest version of Bitdefender Total Security from their website.

5 أشهر لاحقا


for me it was enough to just add Spine.exe as exception to "Advanced Threat Defense".
Windows 11 21H2, latest Bitdefender Internet Security as of today

@jzcge Thank you for sharing the information!!

عام واحد لاحقا

For anyone having the problem with Spine and Comodo, I found how to exclude it from comodo without having to uninstall.:

I added it in many classic exclusion list (like antivirus and firewall exclusion - full folder + .exe), but it seems that this last place (which is a litle "hidden") was the one that unblocked me :

Advanced protection > Misc > Do not detect injection of command in the following applications > add the Spine path.

Here you can see in screenshot that I manage to open application.
Sorry interface is in french, but you can adapt to your langage.

I hope it helps 🙂
(at least it will help me in the future because I already found it years ago and struggle again for two days after system reinstall xD)

That's a great find, thanks DamsLMF!

3 أشهر لاحقا

I've added the Spine folder as an exception to BitDefender, also the .exe .
Still doesn't work for me 🙁