I'm really not a fan of the new way to edit curves in 4.0, maybe it's just because I'm not used to it but V3 is just so ridiculously simple and quick compared to 4.0.
Is there a way to have the old editor in 4.0?
I'm really not a fan of the new way to edit curves in 4.0, maybe it's just because I'm not used to it but V3 is just so ridiculously simple and quick compared to 4.0.
Is there a way to have the old editor in 4.0?
Just dont use Graph View
right away, you have same default presets available. Start with those and step by step you will get yourself involved into curves. It is really powerful and worth trying to grasp fully.
Hey @LuniqueKero,
I know that learning a full-scale curve editor can be scary and confusing. Trust me, I learned how to animate in 3D after 6 years of only animating with paper and pencil. Now, I can't animate as well as I would want to without a proper curve editor. Having a graph where you can only tweak interpolation between two keys is just not good enough.
I would recommend you try simple exercises and then build up to more complex animations. Check the animation with Spine videos where you have an exercise for every video plus the project files so you can analyze the Graph yourself. All the exercises were passed down to me by amazing animators from studios like Disney, Pixar, Sony, Weta, etc. so they are really worth your time. Check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEXq8TCfQ9I&t=730s this is the first one, there are more and they will keep coming.
If you need any tips just write here on the forum I would be glad to answer.
I was waiting for the appearance of full-fledged curves, but using them turned out to be worse. If earlier I could select all bones keys and build the desired curve for all, now I need to separately for each bone!
How do I select all keys and make them a custom curve?
before http://prntscr.com/1nz9fba
now http://prntscr.com/1nz86wk
before I could copy the curve from some keys and paste in others
Wow. Your 2nd screenshot really give me anxiety. I didn't try the 4.0 version yet. Still using 3.8.99.
Is the old graph completely gone? If I remember it right, they mention long ago that the old graph will stay and user could choose which one to use. Is it no longer the case?
@Nick I only today began use 4.0 and I can't find old Graph.
For example, I want make same interpolation between 2 keys for many bones and I can't do that!!!
And I can't use preset for curves now, as it was before. I can use only standard curves http://prntscr.com/1o0eufq
It so sad, because I waited so long for curves. I use curve editor in Maya, After Effects and I can edit curves for all selected keys, but not in spine((((
I understand clearly that I cannot specify the axis relative to which to transform the rectangle?
Oh, so sad(((
I want do like that!! But I can't(((
Sorry, but the old graph will not be making a return, and honestly, it shouldn't. The new graph is far more powerful and allows you to do things that were previously not possible.
With that said, we're still improving on the new graph. More features will be added over time. Specifying the "origin" of your scaling is definitely something we can add in time.
In the meantime, the "Store" functionality might help to first store your curve before scaling, and then start scaling the selection-box while at the same time seeing where previous keys have been. While it might not solve all cases where you would like to set a custom origin, it might help in some of them.
How about editing a curve on multiple keys at the same time?
Hey @kirkegor,
New Graph is still being worked on and improved on. The scale will be improved similarly to your example and that's already on our list.
Also copying curves and graph views is something we are working on. This stuff is pretty complex and we don't want to overcomplicate and oversaturate our Graph. Usability is our priority so considering all of your input, we are trying to improve.
You can already edit the curves on multiple keys at the same time. Sometimes is a bit tricky to select the handles as the size of different curves can vary a lot.
Having the same spacing on all the elements is something you want to avoid, otherwise, your animation will look robotic and linear.
I would really like to see your animation and for what reason, you need to select all the keys to make the same curves.
Maybe the Favor tool can help with that.
And just to refer to anxiety, this is the graph from some "simple" old Maya scene of mine. Try to edit the multiple curves at the same time here
You can already edit the curves on multiple keys at the same time. Sometimes is a bit tricky to select the handles as the size of different curves can vary a lot.
Hey @[محذوف]
This is great, I just didn't find how to do it. Thanks for your help!
Having the same spacing on all the elements is something you want to avoid, otherwise, your animation will look robotic and linear.
I would really like to see your animation and for what reason, you need to select all the keys to make the same curves.
no problem, here are two simple animations in which I essentially use 2 poses and use offset to achieve an interesting movement in the end
my workflow is next, I make key poses and with the help of curves I make the interpolations what I need and after that I polish the final animation.
another example is a simple loop where you need to make breathing and simple movement of the character. Then I also do 2 poses and the necessary interpolation between the keys. Then, using offset, I achieve the final result.
in any case, the new curves are an unconditional step forward and what you showed me will make my job easier. Thank you for your work, all the best
Hey @kirkegor,
Glad that I was helpful!
That's some nice animation!
OK, yeah I get why you need to edit multiple curves at the same time, and you see it's not a problem. I use a similar workflow, block the main golden poses then throw in some nice breakdowns then offset the parts, and that's it
BTW if you used Maya you are probably familiar with the tween machine. Play a bit with our Favor tool, it's pretty similar but more advanced. It can speed up your workflow a lot. You can set up the functions to the hotkeys so making a breakdown can be done in seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUzXpwwt6hM&t=12s
You can already edit the curves on multiple keys at the same time. Sometimes is a bit tricky to select the handles as the size of different curves can vary a lot.
A few tips that might help: You can select a handle, then ctrl
click other handles, then move them all together. If you select a handle, then box select by holding ctrl
, the box select will only select other handles, not keys. If you select a handle and ctrl+a
, it will select all handles in that timeline. Press it again to select all visible handles.
Also, hold alt
and right click drag up/down and left/right to zoom the graph. This can help you get to the handles you want to select when otherwise everything is on top of everything else.
I second Sinisa's suggestion to check out the favor tool. It can give you great results super fast!
If it's not already in the works, I suggest an option to automatically adjust the position and horizontal zoom between the previous and next keyframe of the clicked keyframe. I think we need to have a constant snapshot of the shape of our curves as we work on them. I'm being inconvenienced because I am working on a very long animation.
You can select keys and click Frame
to frame only those keys. When your animation is long, you may want to turn off auto frame. It tries hard not to zoom unnecessarily, so often can be left on, but sometimes you do need finer control.
Nate wroteYou can select keys and click
to frame only those keys. When your animation is long, you may want to turn off auto frame. It tries hard not to zoom unnecessarily, so often can be left on, but sometimes you do need finer control.
:grinteeth: What else we can? :grinteeth:
mooore tips
There's at least THREE more things you can do! :allthethings:
Let's see what else... `
pack-exhaustivelywill make polygon texture packing try harder to pack more tightly when
Power of two` is unchecked. It may take a long time to complete though.
I remember one my client said to me
warmanw wroteI remember one my client said to me
And did that make you try harder to animate, but taking a longer time to complete? :coding: