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  • how to organizes skins

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I looked already at your tutorials, but i did not find help.

I have one Rig with 3 different Base-Skins ( 3 different skin-colors).
Now i want to include different clothes. For example shorts. I want to include them as a skin and i want to organize the clothes in different folders. (Trousers/Shirts...)

So i just duplikate the base skins name them shorts und put the trouser inside? But then i have to do it 3 times, because of the differnts skin colors...

I tried to download the mix and match-exmple. but i think i have to install spine 4.0 to open it...


You can download the mix-and-match example for 3.8 here:
Mix and Match example

If you have many skins that are the same just different attachment names, you could do it by duplicating a skin then using find and replace:
Tree view - Spine User Guide: Find and Replace

You could also save a LOT of time by doing it at runtime:
Runtime Skins - Spine Runtimes Guide: Creating attachments

Thank you for your answer. I already tried to download your mix-and-match-file. But when i try to open it. Spine tells me, the project version is 4.0.03.beta and i work with spine 3.8.99 at the moment..