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Timing and Spacing - Animating with Spine #3
Welcome to the third video of our Animating with Spine tutorial series! This time we discuss how timing and spacing breathe life into your animation. Follow along with the provided Spine project to hone your animation skills and really understand the topic.
Hi, loneprison,
Thanks for the question. That's a good point but this exercise is not a classic pendulum swing. The point is to take the same object and animate it differently for a different effect. In our case first, you imagine how would let's say 50-gram teaspoon move, at which speed. Then 5000 kg wrecking ball. Idea is to let your imagination take over, and experiment with the keys for the timing and with the curves in the Graph for the spacing.
It's a great exercise designed by Weta Digital animator Kenny Roy. The general idea is to animate the whole scene with simple shapes first, establishing good timing and spacing to get a good feeling of weight. Then transfer it too complex characters. It's a pretty good and reliable workflow. Try it out! Share your animation!
谢谢你的提问。这是一个很好的观点,但这个练习不是经典的钟摆摆动。关键是采用相同的对象并对其进行不同的动画处理以获得不同的效果。首先在我们的例子中,你想象一下 50 克茶匙如何移动,以何种速度移动。然后是5000公斤的破坏球。想法是让您的想象力接管,并尝试使用时间键和图表中的曲线作为间距。
这是由 Weta 数字动画师 Kenny Roy 设计的一项很棒的练习。一般的想法是首先用简单的形状为整个场景设置动画,建立良好的时间和间距以获得良好的重量感。那就调太复杂的字符吧。这是一个非常好的和可靠的工作流程。试试看!分享你的动画!