Hello. Each character is implemented as shown in the picture to distinguish body muscles and body size based on shoulder width.
TC_LeftShoulder and TC_RightShoulder are respectively the Skeleton's Transform Constraints.
Show_OffsetX_L, Show_OffsetX_R are float fields created to check the data directly in inspector.
It works well with just one character, but it applies weirdly when multiple people are assigned.
When we checked the Offset value for each character, we found that each instance has its own value.
Depending on the offset value, skin changes work properly.
Character shapes do not respond to their Offset values, but to other character's Offset values (the attached photo is an example). The first character does not react to his offset, but to the second character's offset.)
I want to solve it because it's the core of the game. Please give me an answer!