• Networking
  • [SEARCHING FOR] Spine Animator for a Game Project

Hi there!

I am here as an internal representative from an indie game project who are searching for a Spine Animator to replicate/redo combat animation, specifically, from an older game - a process/hire from which we want to really elaborate and also gain/understand how and what we can(not) get done.

Short introduction to the project:
You may have seen me post somewhere else on the forum already, posting and asking various questions in advance, but in general, we're a passionate indie project that works on trying to bring back an old game made around 2008-2010 and had its public run from 2011-2013 called Pockie Ninja (more about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywSvYcJr_yY&). More elaboration will happen along the commissioning process if necessary/interested!

What we're searching for specifically:
We're not necessarily searching for anyone specifically, nor are we completely sure what scope we're looking into, but to put some specifics for what field the animation will adhere to, here are some notes:

  • Most, if not all, animation we'll be working with, will include combat animation.
  • For reference, we'll provide as much as we have, as well as elaborate as much as we can, but to give a quick idea of what kind of replication you'll be producing, we first of all have this kind of vague all-over fight linked; . And to be even more specific, we here have an imgur image sequence of what one character in the game's combat movement/animation looked like in spritesheet version: https://imgur.com/a/3EXp4Me
  • As you could see from the spritesheet/image sequences on the imgur link, you're gonna be dealing with multiple angles, with some of them turning 360 degrees in some animations and whatever in between. We'd expect this to toughen things a bit more than usual, but we just wanted to highlight that, just in case.
  • As you saw from the youtube link/video, these battle animations, being the characters at focus, all hold weapons of their own, which are all separate from the characters seen in the video, and have their own spritesheets, poses, etc., which would be much simpler to animate/on par with the rest of the stuff you'd be animating, but we just wanted to mention that as well.
    - If possible, we'd like to have you do some VFX on top. As seen in the spritesheet references, some of them include VFX as an extension of the combat movement.

How to reach us:
Feel free to either reply to this thread, DM the account that created this thread, hit us up on our main medium through our Discord channel (Specifically, @Karam#1111 in https://discord.com/invite/gCx5hCZPuv) or just hit us up at scrappockieninja at gmail dot com!

Thanks in advance for your potential interest and reading all the way through- we can't wait to work with you!

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3 أعوام لاحقا
