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Hidding bones and multiple animations
Can bone (with all slots and more bones inside) be simply hidden, and unselectable by turning it off somehow ? I have for example 5 bones, under same root, same skeleton, and every bone has different graphics, different bones, and different animation of that graphics inside. But , as they are all on top of another and all have to be checked visible in order to see animations, and also they all have same root bone, same position (center), I can't work because its all messed up one on top the other bones, slots, graphics. If in setup mode I turn off one bone (of that 5), nothing happens, it doesn't turn off all bones and slots inside that bone.
Also, its so confusing to animate turning off attachments of everything else exept the attachments of current animation and keying all that in order to have animation. And if I need another animation, I now have to deselect and animate keys to be turned off of all current attachments, and now select only those attachments that I need to animate. It is painfull process, there is got to be simpler solution. Please help
as for first question, by "turning off" I mean clicking the circle icon on left side of the bone (or slot), and expected behavior would be to hide that element ? so that element is hidden, turned off and unselectable. but that doesnt happen.
sorry, not really nothing, it hides bone, but all inside that bone is still visible and selectable. how to simply hide everything under one bone is my question.
Hello, if you are referring the gif I posted here: isolate selection in Animate mode
The way to make it work, as stated in the tip is to Right click the visibility dot.
Spine Tips: hide tree
Selecting several elements in the tree and pressing H
has the same effect of hiding/showing them.
I hope this helps!
great! Its so simple, but I never thought about trying it because left click was hiding bone, so there must be another "left click option" to hide rest of it, is how I was thinking Ok, so - Left click is hiding bone, right click is hiding bone, all inside bones and slots/attachments.