1) Normals Z Direction: Ah, now i know what was the reason: It works, but sprites are lit only from backside.
It can be easy be "repaired" by scaling -1 on Z axe. But it would be a little bit annoying do not fogtet to flip every spine-object in game, otherwise it will not be lit. Can i somehow change the default lit direction for "Spine/Skeleton Lit" to make it work "out of the box" for me? Or is something wrong with my spine project or export settings? Just looked in Spine-project, character is not flipped by -1 or like that.
btw: In "uber"-shader i need to flip default fixed normal from (0, 0, 1) to (0, 0, -1) to make lighting work at all. Is something wrong with my unity-project settings?
2) Intensity adjustment: Unfortunately i should somehow adjust spine-shader lighting and another sprites shader lighting in game, to make objects look uniform lit by one source. Is any way to adjust Intensity of lighting for a particular object or material? Like 0-1.0f slider to make object darker/lighter from same light source? It would be really great. I found how it can be done in "spine-uber" shader. I can just use fixed normals like 0, 0, -1 and then make Z value -0.4f or -2.0f. It makes intensity darker/lighter. Can i somehow adjust intenstiy of default Skeleton Lit shader?
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(background and sprite-object use another shader, which has no intensity adjustment too)
3) If i will use "uber shader" (Vertex Lit) istead of Skeleton Lit shader, will it be much worse in terms of performance. I probably need like 100 spine skeletons pro scene. I do not need advanced uber-shader features like normal maps or rim-lighting. Does it make big difference in this case?
Just made a quick test: for 100 enemies it seems to make no FPS-difference at all. So i probably just can use uber shader with it's "intensity" adjustment via fixed-normals.
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