• Unity
  • Bone Follower not following Path, project example

Hi, I'm having trouble and can't figure this out.

I want to have a bone follower on the end of my tentacle animation.
But when I did it, I can't get the follower to actually match the tentacle or move at all!

I've created a simple test project.
I have the tentacle animation (SkeletonAnimation), and a "Skeleton Utility" component, with all bones followed.

Why when I look at the bone followers in the Scene view, (while the game is running), the transforms don't update.

Here is the very small project:

(The picture is from the spine editor. In the game view, the animation plays (visually) fine

I just can't get the bone transform access in a script, for attaching objects.)

Thank you!

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In the reproduction package above, the skeleton json file is missing. There is a meta file Assets/PitchLurker/PitchLurkerN.json.meta but no corresponding .json file. As a result, the skeleton is not loaded.

Regardless of the project, please note that there is no need to add the complete hierarchy of SkeletonUtilityBone when you only need to follow a single bone - this can be accomplished more efficiently using a single BoneFollower component, as described on the spine-unity documentation pages.

First of all, sorry for providing a broken example. Not sure how I didn't include the json file, that's weird.

In any case

that was it!
I was using "Skeleton Utility" to follow all bones, but really I should have been using BoneFollower all along.
At some point I think I got those two confused

thinking they were the same thing, but they are not.
BoneFollower script is definitely what I was looking for!
Thank you!

Glad you figured it out, thanks for letting us know!

In general, a SkeletonUtilityBone hierarchy should work as well, however it's overkill if you only need to follow a single bone.