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Unity Null Reference + MeshGenerator + Graphic Skeleton
I hope you guys could help me here, I'm having an issue with an asset when I place it as Graphic Skeleton; Spine throws a null reference exception at MeshGenerator and it keeps stacking until I select a start animation.
And! if I turn on the gameobject by code at runtime I get the same exception again.
We are using spine 3.8.75
Does any one knows what could be wrong with my asset?
We are sorry for the troubles!
Which version of the spine-unity runtime (name of the unitypackage) are you using?
Do you receive any error messages in the console when you paste the three exported skeleton asset files in a new Unity Assets subfolder?
Do you see your skeleton in the Inspector preview window when selecting the _SkeletonData
asset (and selecting a skin)?
Hi Harald!
No problem I appreciate your response!
I'm using spine-unity-3.8-2019-08-23.unitypackage
I got the files thru git and When I move the files (which are 6) to another folder no error is thown.
If I add those 3 files exported from spine I get no error but this message
As for the preview, this asset has only default skin and several animations, so de default pose the asset is hidden however If I choose an animation I can see it
Thanks a lot for your time!
Thanks for the additional info!
I see nothing suspicious in your screenshots yet.
I assume the problem also occurs when you drag the newly imported _SkeletonData
asset to a scene to instantiate it, right?
Could you please send us your three exported Spine assets as a zip file to contact@esotericsoftware.com, then we can have a look at what is going wrong.
and yes the error occurs when I drag them into scene to instantiate it.
Thanks a lot!! Harald
Thanks for sending over the reproduction assets!
I just tested them, there seems to be a bug with SkeletonGraphic in the spine-unity runtime spine-unity-3.8-2019-08-23.unitypackage
which has been fixed in the meantime. If I perform the problematic steps using the latest version of the spine-unity runtime, the problem no longer occurs.
So if possible, please update the spine-unity runtime to the latest available version. The download can be found here as usual:
Spine Unity Download
Thanks Harald! we'll work on that.