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Playing animation in reverse or backwords
I've seen this question only a few times but never seemed to have a proper understanding of the answer.
From what I can tell, out right support for playing animations in reverse isn't supported. So I need to extend AnimationState somehow and add it in myself?
I'm simply trying to have a walk forward and walk backwards animation (using one animation). Ultimately its not too much of a problem to make the reverse animation myself and export from spine however having ways to do it programmatic has its benefits too.
What would be the most effective way to go about doing this?
One solution is described by Pharan on the bottom of this forum thread:
Play backwards?
You could also add a separate animation for WalkBackward
(which can be reversed quickly in the Spine Editor), which would be the typical way to deal with this scenario.
If you really want to play the same walk animation backward, then you will need to perform the steps described by Pharan. We do not recommend to extend AnimationState just for the case of your backward walk animation.
Thank you this clears things up. Ill definitely do it the preferred way and just create the animation in spine. Thank you!
No problem.