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  • Path constrain and transform constrain?

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Hi, I'm making a long haired character and put the path constrain to make the hair flowy after seeing the spine rigging tutorial(thanks Erika!) but then get problem when i want to transform constrain the side bangs to the head control so it would follow when the head is turning.

I tried to transform constrain the control null, the smaller bone inside the path, and the main big bone to move but still haven't succeeds. They just kind of move them but my hair mesh is just standing there unmoving :confused: (but still move when I move them manually?)

Please help. I'm a beginner and still haven't grasp all the fancy stuff as this is my second creation so If the question sounds stupid I apologize.

Hello and glad to see a tutorial helped!
I personally prefer to not have a constraint on hair as it is easier to make flowy animations by hand like in this case: Spine: Tips: 27 offset

But if you do create a new constraint after already having one, maybe the order in the list is preventing the constraint to work: Constraints: Order (try pressing the reset button on the constraint node to see if automatically resorting them fixes the problem!)

You'd want to have a bone for the head, and then two children bones, one that starts the chain of hair, the other for the head control. (note: they must not be parented one to the other) then you'd want to create the transform constraint by selecting the first hair bone of the chain (the mail parent of that chain) and select the head control as target. Further info can be found here: Transform Constraints - Spine User Guide

Thank you for answering!! Will try to do that. But wow never knew you guys have a tips page in the website, so many stuff to learn.