Hey guys, sorry for the multitude of questions - nearing the end of a project and doing a couple things with Spine that I haven't tried before.
I'm working on a system of roots that lead up to a gateway. The roots will go across several "screens" (the game is like the SNES Legend of Zelda where you transition between different rooms). The roots system is broken up into segments, which might only be 1/4 of the width of the screen. The source images for the roots are "straight roots" which I then make a mesh and weight them to a series of bones to position them into the crawling root structure.
This is the first Spine animation I've made that will be larger then the size of the screen, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to optimize it. My main concern is GPU power (not so much worried about CPU), so I'm wondering if it would be possible to essentially "frustum cull" the image attachments that aren't on-screen, by simply setting the attachment to null while offscreen. Does that seem like a practical thing to do?
The images will be meshAttachments -> so would I need to determine the 'bounding box' by sampling all of the UVs positions to make a rectangle? The roots won't move much (maybe wriggle around a bit), so I could potentially cache the 'bounding box' for each of the meshAttachments.
Thanks for any insight! :detective: