• Unity
  • Mix n Match Sprite Issue

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Hello guys 😉

I've got back to work on my character customization and I'm having a hard time with recreating a skin at runtime picking up a Sprite (ressources folder).

I get an error "Texture rectangle is out of bounds (0 + 240 > 212)"
Now 240 is my sprite length for both images, at least when I check for the size in my Spine images folder (for the default skin image) and in my Unity project ressources folder (for the to replace skin image).

I suppose Unity tells me that even if my original image is supposed to be 240 it's actually 212 for whatever reason and the new one is 240 ?
What am I doing wrong ? Is there something to do with my Spine exports atlas/material that converted the original size 240 to 212 ?

Thank you for any help 🙂

Bonus Question :
Once I've created my repacked skin how can I make it re-useable by other skeletons in the scene ?
I will need to create at runtime duplicates of my skeleton and rebuild the same customized skin :think:

5 أيام لاحقا

Have you tried re-importing your assets via Assets-Reimport?
If that does not help: Could you please create a zipped package of a minimal Unity project that shows this problem and send it to contact@esotericsoftware.com?

Bonus Question :
Once I've created my repacked skin how can I make it re-useable by other skeletons in the scene ?
I will need to create at runtime duplicates of my skeleton and rebuild the same customized skin :think:

I'm not sure if I understood you correctly - but did you take a look at the "Mix and Match Equip" sample scene in "Spine Examples/Other Examples"? There you could have a look at the code in the classes EquipSystemExample.cs and especially EquipsVisualsComponentExample.cs at line 21:

void Start () {
   equipsSkin = new Skin("Equips");

   // OPTIONAL: Add all the attachments from the template skin.
   var templateSkin = skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindSkin(templateSkinName);
   if (templateSkin != null)

   skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.Skin = equipsSkin;