• Editor
  • Affect multiple slots keying

Hello all,

Our project contains multiple views for the same character. Therefore, there are slots to each body part in each view.
There is a way to group slots to be enabled or desabled all together?

In the image attached is possible to see the projet.
If someone have a light on this one would be great.

thank you.

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Hello decoamorim,
You can select all of the slots, then click on the dot under the eye column to deactivate them all at once.
Please note that this will only have an effect in the editor and not at runtime or in the preview view, you'll also notice that you can't key slots, this is because you should activate and deactivate attachments and not slots. esotericsoftware.com/spine-basic-concepts Key Frames - Spine User Guide: Attachments

I recommend grouping attachments by piece (such as all the left eyes) under the same slot (e.g. the left eye slot) so that it will be easier to activate and deactivate them.

When you filter the tree on attachments, they should be sorted alphabetically, therefore making it easy to select all of the attachments for a certain view and switch to it. I still recommend creating a dummy animation to store a turnaround of your character to make it easy to copy and paste a certain pose. Tree - Spine User Guide: Filters

You can see an example of this process in this series of videos: Twitch: Rigging an 8-direction character for animation in Spine Pt.3 - YouTube

Thank you for the reply guys.
Thats is exactly how we are approaching this.

I even grouped the views in their own "Root Bone". Which made the Animation timeline organized. The characters bone structure is still yet to be configured, so I am not sure how it will play out. Hopefully this works, because it's been actually good to work this way.

I am documenting this for our illustrator to follow, still a WIP document, becouse I am testing all of these configurations.
But, I am quite certain this is the right path.


It would be great to have your thoughts over this proceedure. At "SPINE SETUP" section.