- تم التحرير
Imitation of particles.
- تم التحرير
In this remarkable program, the particle system is very lacking. We have to come up with something. That's what I managed to create.
More: https://www.behance.net/Akseley
Very cool!
You obviously have a good handle on making particle effects, but I find that instead of animating each individual particle, often you can use an image that has 2-3 particles on it. When using multiple copies that are rotated and scaled a little, it can be impossible to tell they aren't individually animated.
Thanks for the feedback. Yes, that's exactly the way I do it - use a texture with 3-5 particles. Here are a few more examples:
Thanks, it's really cool to see effects like this. As much as I like seeing Spine used for characters, it's great to see it used for many other things.
These look FANTASTIC! For your pink SALE button sparkles
Did you use a clipping mask in spine to contain the sparkles effect inside the button?
Yes you are right. Around the button is a mask. Here are a few more animations:
Dude these are awesome, very inspiring
Dude these are awesome, very inspiring
A few more animations.
All together I have collected here:
Magnificent work! Can you give me a hint about those falling coins? All of them are separate png with its own bone?
saleklar wroteMagnificent work! Can you give me a hint about those falling coins? All of them are separate png with its own bone?
That would be my question precisely. As far as I know, it's important to keep the bone count low. But what if you want sparkles all over the place? How to deal with those in a performant way?
One trick that particle effects use is to have 3-4 images that have 3-4 coins each. When shown briefly and moving/rotated/scaled and with the coins images layered on top of each other, it can be difficult to notice that some of the coins are on the same image.
Another thought is that if there is not much else going on at the time this effect is shown, then it may not matter that a skeleton uses many bones. Having a skeleton with many bones can be acceptable while having many skeletons with many bones may not.
It looks great!!!!